Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back To Basics Living

Today's economy is getting real tricky and complicated. The cost of

living has sky rocketed and there's no end in site,it has put a tremendous strain on many households.

If you enjoy country living and would like to get Back to Basics then I encourage you to take notes,build yourself a library of Books and magazines so that the information will be their when you need it.Trust me you'll refer to it more than once.

It might be a good idea to Book-Mark this site,so you'll be able to come back and use the information here.If you so choose you can produce your own food,unplug from the electric grid,and learn how to live stress free. Not to mention eating better and feeling better. All by just getting Back to basics. Many people find themselves working eighty hours a week just to maintain their lifestyles. They feel trapped by the demands of society and don't see really true happiness. Their in a rut and the only difference between a rut and a grave is the distance.

Go To Back to Basics

1 comment:

  1. "the only difference between a rut and a grave is the distance" - that's good! I'd like to borrow that.

    I'm an aspiring homesteader, JUST getting started, so I know it's gonna be a few years before I'm really able to make a go of things. Looking forward to reading your other posts.
